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Cornflower honey
Cornflower honey is one of the most exotic and premium varieties of polyfloral honey. Its fragrance is unique and distinctive. Cornflower honey crystallizes slowly ~1.5-2 months

Honey gathering place
The scabiose centaury, or a cornflower, grows within the territory of Eurasia. In Siberia, meadows near the taiga zone is a common area for the bees to gather cornflower pollen.

Delicate, floral taste with almond aftertaste, has a scent reminiscent of marzipan

Light amber color with a greenish tint

TOP 5 healing properties
  1. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, due to its unique bacterial suppression properties, approved by the Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics.
  2. Normalized blood circulation, recommended as a stabilizer for the cardiovascular system.
  3. Improves absorbency and serves as a gastric mucosa protectant.
  4. It has calmimg properties. Cornflower honey can be taken before going to bed to sleep heavily.
  5. Prevents swelling due to its diuretic properties.

We offer
Our beekeepers gather cornflower honey from several apiaries located in Salair ridge foothills in an ecologically clean taiga zone. We guarantee purity and quality of our honey.
There are 2 way of packing available:
Small size packing: glass jars ~250g to 1000g.
Bulk packing: barrels ~280kg., plastic cubes~30 kg
With this product buy
Apiaries of Siberia, ACPSMC
PSRN 1222200002199
TIN 2278003985
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